Former Assistant to the Director in the Township of Irvington NJ’s Department of Neighborhood Services, Tony Vauss, was elected as the Township’s Mayor on May 13, 2014. Mayor Vauss has focused his efforts on bringing new businesses to the Township of Irvington, NJ, in order to raise the profile of the Township and its revenue.

Before becoming the Mayor of Irvington, NJ, Tony Vauss began his political career as a volunteer in 2004. While volunteering, Mayor Vauss learned the ins and outs of the political process in the Township of Irvington, NJ. What he learned made him want to become more involved so that he could have a greater impact on the Township of Irvington, NJ, community.

Part of the community revival efforts of Tony Vauss prior to becoming the Mayor of Irvington, NJ, includes founding the Tony Vauss Civic Association, which hosts many community activities such as adult basketball, programs for senior citizens and children, and humanitarian meals for those who are less fortunate in the Township of Irvington, NJ.

Tony Vauss furthered his community outreach by running for public office as a member of the Township of Irvington, NJ, Board of Education in 2006. Mayor Vauss was elected to that position as well as the district leader for Northward District 2. While serving in these roles, Tony Vauss quickly became one of the most influential leaders in the Township of Irvington, NJ.

Mayor Vauss firmly believes that all his previous roles within his community have helped prepare him to better serve others as the Mayor of Irvington, NJ. He understands the needs of the people in the community and has made big strides in helping the Township grown by employing an action plan driven by his motto: “One Team, One Dream.”

Under this initiative, Tony Vauss has made the Township of Irvington, NJ, a cleaner and safer place. Mayor Vauss has helped reduce the violent crime rate within the Township to its lowest rate since 1970, and he has also helped improve the economy immensely.

On top of rebuilding the Township’s infrastructure and improving its aesthetic appeal, Mayor Vauss has repaired and paved many roads within the community, as well as hired more police officers and firefighters to keep its residents safe.

Tony Vauss has been able to accomplish all of this without raising taxes, and he remains heavily involved within the community to this day by attending every council meeting and public hearing that he possibly can.